Monday, December 29, 2008

Starter Deck Kaiba

By paying 500 Life Points, Normal Summon or Set 1 extra monster. You can only activate this effect during your Main Phase or your opponent's Battle Phase.
Increase a selected monster's DEF by 500 points during the turn this card is activated.

Earth , Level 2 , Beast/ Effect , ATK 450 / DEF 500
FLIP: Select 1 Monster Card on the field (regardless of position) and return it to its owner's hand.

Destroys 1 face-up Trap Card on the field.

All increases and decreases to ATK and DEF are reversed for the turn in which this card is activated.

Increases the ATK and DEF of all Beast-Warrior and Warrior-Type monsters by 200 points.

Earth , Level 3 , Warrior/ Effect , ATK 500 / DEF 1100
FLIP: Select 1 Trap Card on the field and destroy it. If the selected card is Set, pick up and see the card. If it is a Trap Card, it is destroyed. If it is a Spell Card, return it to its original position.

Earth , Level 4 , Warrior/ Effect , ATK 1000 / DEF 1500
Each time you or your opponent Normal Summons or Flip Summons a monster, increase your Life Points by 500 points.

You can only activate this card when "Lord of D." is face-up on the field. Special Summon up to 2 Dragon-Type monsters from your hand to your side of the field.

Dark , Level 4 , Spellcaster/ Effect , ATK 1200 / DEF 1100
As long as this card remains face-up on the field, all Dragon-Type monsters cannot be targeted by Spell Cards, Trap Cards, or effects of monsters that designate a target.

Inflict 500 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points for each monster your opponent has on the field.

See the top 5 cards of your opponent's Deck. Return the cards to the Deck in the same order.

Increase a selected monster's ATK by 500 points during the turn this card is activated.

Select and see 1card in your opponent's hand.

Earth , Level 4 , Beast, ATK 1500 / DEF 1200
With skin tinged a bluish-white, this strange creature is a fearsome sight to behold.

Select 1 monster from either you or your opponent's Graveyard. Special Summon the selected monster on your side of the field.

Select 1 Spell Card on the field and destroy it. If the selected card is Set, pick up and see the card. If it is a Spell Card, it is destroyed. If it is a Trap Card, return it to its original position.

Select and destroy 2 of your monsters and 1 of your opponent's monsters.

If the ATK of a monster summoned by your opponent (excluding Special Summon) is 1000 points or more, the monster is destroyed.

Destroys 1 opponent's face-up monster with the lowest ATK.

Wind , Level 4 , Winged Beast, ATK 1550 / DEF 1200
This monster swoops down and attacks with a rain of knives stored in its wings.

Earth , Level 4 , Rock, ATK 1500 / DEF 1000
A golem with a massive right hand for crushing its victims.

Earth , Level 4 , Warrior, ATK 1300 / DEF 1100
Gifted with the power of dragons, this warrior wields a sword created from a dragon's fang.

Earth , Level 5 , Beast-Warrior, ATK 1800 / DEF 1600
With an axe in each hand, this monster delivers heavy damage.

Dark , Level 4 , Fiend, ATK 1800 / DEF 1000
A genie of the lamp that's at the beck and call of its master.

Dark , Level 6 , Warrior, ATK 2000 / DEF 1600
A monster formed by the vengeful souls of those who passed away in battle.

Destroys all monsters on the field.

Dark , Level 4 , Fiend, ATK 1600 / DEF 1200
A gargoyle enhanced by the powers of darkness. Very sharp talons make it a worthy opponent.

Inflict 800 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points.

An EARTH monster equipped with this card increases its ATK by 400 points and decreases its DEF by 200 points.

A Fiend-Type monster equipped with this card increases its Atk. and Def. by 300 points.

Earth , Level 4 , Beast-Warrior, ATK 1200 / DEF 1400
An ogre possessed by the powers of the dark. Few can withstand its rapid charge.

Dark , Level 4 , Fiend, ATK 1200 / DEF 1300
Known as a swamp dweller, this creature is a minion of the dark forces.

Dark , Level 4 , Fiend, ATK 1500 / DEF 1000
Nothing can stop the mad attack of this powerful creature.

Dark , Level 3 , Warrior, ATK 1000 / DEF 500
The speed of this warrior creates an intense vacuum that can slice through a monster's hide.

Earth , Level 4 , , ATK 1200 / DEF 1000
A deadly duo consisting of a beast master and its loyal servant.

Dark , Level 4 , Zombie, ATK 1200 / DEF 1200
Armed with the Psycho Sword, this sinister assassin rules the bad land.

Dark , Level 4 , Fiend, ATK 1300 / DEF 1100
A fiend said to dwell in the world of dreams, it attacks enemies in their sleep.

Earth , Level 4 , Beast, ATK 1300 / DEF 1550
Half man and half horse, this monster is known for its extreme speed.

Earth , Level 4 , Dinosaur, ATK 1500 / DEF 800
Fast on its feet, this dinosaur rips enemies to shreds with its sharp claws.

Light , Level 6 , Fairy, ATK 1800 / DEF 2000
This fairy uses her mystical power to protect the weak and provide spiritual support.

Earth , Level 4 , Warrior, ATK 1500 / DEF 1200
A man-hunter with powerful arms that can crush boulders.

Light , Level 4 , Spellcaster, ATK 1600 / DEF 1000
A deadly doll gifted with mystical power, it is particularly powerful when attacking against dark forces.

Earth , Level 6 , Warrior, ATK 2200 / DEF 1500
This club-wielding warrior battles to the end and will never surrender.

Dark , Level 4 , Dragon, ATK 1500 / DEF 1200
A vicious, fire-breathing dragon whose wicked flame corrupts the souls of its victims.

Earth , Level 4 , Beast-Warrior, ATK 1700 / DEF 1000
A monster with tremendous power, it destroys enemies with a swing of its axe.

Earth , Level 3 , Beast/ Effect , ATK 1400 / DEF 700
This card is returned to your hand at the end of your turn.

Dark , Level 3 , Fiend, ATK 1000 / DEF 500
A very elusive creature that looks like a harmless statue until it attacks.

Earth , Level 4 , Beast-Warrior, ATK 1200 / DEF 1000
A one-eyed behemoth with thick, powerful arms made for delivering punishing blows.

Light , Level 8 , Dragon, ATK 3000 / DEF 2500
This legendary dragon is a powerful engine of destruction. Virtually invincible, Very few have faced this awesome creature and lived to tell the tale.

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